Jana is currently working on her PhD at the U in Pharmacology and Toxicology (what a little smarty!) Life has been throwing her some curveballs lately (as it so often seems to like to do) and the future is kinda up in the air.
I guess I feel like I can relate to not knowing where my life is going right now. I feel like so much has been changing lately... I am doing everything I can to try to get into the grad program at the U, but honestly I have no idea what I'll do if that doesn't happen. I am typically the kind of girl that loves adventure and taking chances and going new places... but lately nothing like that feels right. The problem is, I don't know what does. Life is crazy. Nothing is stable. Nothing goes as planned.
With all this uncertainty and all these "unknowns" in the near future, I have been doing a lot of reflecting lately on what I want out of life and who I want to be. My number one goal can be summarized well in the words of President Hinckley: "We are not here on earth to see how important we can become, but to see how much of a difference we can make in the lives of others." What I want most, is for the lives of people that know me to be better because they did know me. I want to do anything I can to make the world and the people around me better. I feel like I have been focusing on the wrong things and not doing this very well lately. Time to refocus on this and make the changes I need to in order to become this kind of a person.
Another thing I have realized is that I have a whole lot of passion for the field I am going into. I want to do speech-language pathology and I want to do it well. I want to learn everything I can and be able to contribute something to this relatively new and growing field. The more I learn, the more I love it!
The last thing I'll mention that I've been thinking about is how grateful I am that we all have more potential than we are currently living up to. That means we can become better. Doesn't that give you a brighter hope for this world? It does for me. We don't have to settle for where we are, or even where we've been. It's possible to change.... and the possibilities are limitless. Each of us can become whoever we want to be. So the question is, who do you want to be?
"You are not you. You are greater than you." -Spencer V. Jones