Last Tuesday, my uncle Scott- my mom's sister Valeri's husband- passed away unexpectedly. Over the past week, all three of my mom's 3 brothers and my cousins all flew out here to help out and to be here for the funeral. It was really neat to see how everyone came together to support my aunt Valeri and her family through this time. It was really nice for us all to be together again- I haven't seen them all together since my grandpa's funeral 5 years ago. The weekend was filled with hugs and tears and some laughs as well just because my family is amazing. I am grateful for the Atonement of Jesus Christ and the opportunity we have to be comforted by someone that understands perfectly what we are going through. I am really sad for my cousins who just lost their dad. Two of them, Scotty and Shauni, spoke at the funeral and did an awesome job. It was a really nice service. Scotty and his cute wife, Aleese, sang my all time favorite song "Count, Thou Fount of Every Blessing." It was so awesome. I was bawling through the whole thing. I was impressed that they made it to the last verse before breaking down. The whole day was very bittersweet. I can't imagine going to a funeral not believing that we can see our loved ones again. It's hard enough doing without them for just a little while here on earth. I came away from this whole thing just grateful for the gospel though. I don't have a doubt that we will all see the people we love again and I am so grateful for that knowledge and the peace it brings during tough times like this. The gospel is true! :)

(Our family is tough- we can get through anything!)