Justin's amazing surfing skills
Ryan jumping the wake
My mom and me getting bounced like crazy on the tube
So I originally created this blog at the beginning of the summer and have posted nothing. I finally did something worth talking about. This week my family is down in St George for a blissful week of wakeboarding, tubing, surfing, and fun in general. My brothers are pretty much complete studs. Ryan can jump the wake like nobody's business and Justin is the only one that has successfully been able to get up and stay up on the surfboard this trip. Carly is the mastermind behind all the photography for the trip. It has been an incredible week. Among my favorite moments are riding on the tube with my mom- she always makes the funniest noises when she gets nervous on that thing- and riding on the tube with Ryan- he was going off in some British accent about how "these waves are big enough to sink the Titanic!" (which actually may have been true- they were ginormous!). I guess mostly I learned this week that my family is really cool and when we're stranded in the middle of the desert together for a whole week, we can have a pretty good time. I feel pretty lucky and anyone else that ends up in this family is going to be pretty lucky too. Welp, better get back to enjoying the last week and a half before school starts and reality hits again. :)
Oh my gosh, that picture of you and your mom on the tube is great, it looks like you had such a blast! And your brothers look like they have some sick skills.