I realized a very long time ago that music means more to me than it does to a lot of people, but today I realized something else. I went to choir today- which lately has been one of the few things keeping me going- and the girl that was giving the thought for the day mentioned how the Savior can be our best friend. That wasn't the focus of what she was saying, but she said it. Well, it got me thinking that I'm definitely not to that point, and I want to be. Then I started thinking about why that's hard for me. If we have Him available to us and He is perfect, why would we not take advantage of it? Well, sometimes it's hard to think of your best friend as someone you can't see there. My mind then took me back to a conversation I had with one of my favorite mission companions. We were talking about prayer and she said, "Sometimes I feel like I just can't quite get through to Him." I think I feel like that a lot. Like I'll be praying and just pouring my heart out and trying so hard to feel like someone's listening, but I feel instead like I'm just talking to the wall. But then yesterday in choir we were singing this song:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70kdwGBv8fQ (it's good- you should check it out!)
As soon as we started singing, I just got this overwhelming feeling of peace and love and I knew Heavenly Father had been listening. "Just talk to your Father in Heaven. He hears every prayer and answers in His way. In time, He will answer. He will not fail us." -Richard G. Scott. (http://lds.org/new-era-2003-08-recognizing-answers-to-prayer?lang=eng&query=answers+prayers -Great talk!)
Anyway, I know that Heavenly Father hears us and I'm so grateful for that. We just need to learn to recognize the way He talks back. I am definitely going to work on that and on depending on Him instead of other people- even though sometimes that feels harder since we can't see Him. But He's always there, and that is pretty incredible.
I like this!